
A strike won’t work – they WANT us to stop working.

These are religious extremists that idealize the 1950's. A woman's strike won't work because they WANT women to stop working. They WANT women to quit their jobs. They WANT women out of the work place. And you can say “women in Iceland stopped doing childcare and domestic chores too” but how do you do that without a supportive partner?? Just ignore your kids? You can say we'll cripple them economically, but the reality is that they've already crippled us. Most people won't be able to participate in the strike because we're living paycheck to paycheck on starvation wages. Which is exactly how they want us so that we can't fight against them. None of the justices will feel any financial pain by us striking. Only we will. A strike is just like abortions – it cripples those who are already poor, and doesn't affect law-makers at all.

These are religious extremists that idealize the 1950's. A woman's strike won't work because they WANT women to stop working. They WANT women to quit their jobs. They WANT women out of the work place.

And you can say “women in Iceland stopped doing childcare and domestic chores too” but how do you do that without a supportive partner?? Just ignore your kids?

You can say we'll cripple them economically, but the reality is that they've already crippled us. Most people won't be able to participate in the strike because we're living paycheck to paycheck on starvation wages. Which is exactly how they want us so that we can't fight against them.

None of the justices will feel any financial pain by us striking. Only we will. A strike is just like abortions – it cripples those who are already poor, and doesn't affect law-makers at all.

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