
A tale of how I ended up where I am now.

About 8 years ago I was working for a guy who for years was ahead of his time in our work industry. He had all the major brands as clients in our country and was absolutely creaming it. Unfortunately for him though, everyone else eventually caught up, began to beat his prices, and ultimately other people were more of a pleasure to deal with than him. So now it's just me working for this guy. His involvement in his business is nothing more than constantly telling me how “busy” he is (fun fact. He was never busy). He now realizes business is tough and decides to sell. In comes my new boss, a young guy, only a couple of years older than me. He's enthusiastic, personable, has realistic goals and some unrealistic goals. Wants to take me on board with his new acquisition, offers me a small pay rise and…

About 8 years ago I was working for a guy who for years was ahead of his time in our work industry. He had all the major brands as clients in our country and was absolutely creaming it. Unfortunately for him though, everyone else eventually caught up, began to beat his prices, and ultimately other people were more of a pleasure to deal with than him.

So now it's just me working for this guy. His involvement in his business is nothing more than constantly telling me how “busy” he is (fun fact. He was never busy). He now realizes business is tough and decides to sell.

In comes my new boss, a young guy, only a couple of years older than me. He's enthusiastic, personable, has realistic goals and some unrealistic goals. Wants to take me on board with his new acquisition, offers me a small pay rise and tells me what we will be aiming for and where we're going to take the business, and of course how I'll be rewarded. I'm sold. This dude is a salesman and whatever he's selling I just bought it.

A year or so on and the business is trucking along nicely. We have a good team of people. My boss is the salesman, he brings in lots of work and distributes it to his two account managers who filter the work through about four of us workers. We run smoothly and everything is balanced.

Only thing now is a few cracks begin to appear. Against my advice boss joins a franchise thinking it's going to help boost business. I take on a bit more work, which I don't mind as i enjoyed the more challenging roles in my job. After a few months we are smashing it. So I ask my boss for a pay raise. Now being the salesman he is, he says he'll come back to me. The following week I'm called in. Boss man has spoken to other employers in the franchise and found I'm the highest paid in my area. Cool. But our business brings in 2x more money than the next. But whatever, maybe in a few months he will see I'm worth it.

But remember those unrealistic goals? Well now it starts taking a turn. Boss realizes being part of this franchise isn't paying off as well as he thought (shock!) and decides to pull out of it, and go full tit growing the business. So he hires a General Manager. GM is a nice bloke, easy to deal with and we don't mind him. But a few months later we've grown too quick, have gotten top heavy with boss, 3 account managers, and of course GM, all of which are still trying to feed their work through us 4 workers.

One of our intermediate level workers cracks, he has had enough and leaves. We catch with the new place he's working at is paying him almost as much as myself and the other senior. Not cool for us, but bloody good for him! Now we are carrying on with 3 workers. The only intermediate guy now is struggling and constantly making errors as he rushes to complete his work.

Suddenly GM calls me to arrange a meeting. I think 'well this can't be good' so I prepare myself for whatever shit storm is headed my way. I head to the office and meet with GM. He starts by saying I'm doing really well, no issues to report, blah blah blah. Sweet! Then he starts to tell me there have been issues with other workers performances and he'd like me to supervise them, check over their work, sign off everything before it goes out the door, and still keep up with my share.

Me. Sure! I can do that. So what will my pay be increased to?

GM. Oh, we can't do that.

Me. So you want me to take on more responsibility but not be rewarded for it?

GM. We can't offer you anything now but in a few months we can reassess your situation.

Me. Boss has told me this before and nothing ever changes? There is always a reason for me not getting rewarded for my work?

GM. My hands are tied.

Me. Well, I suppose that makes this decision easier pulls out printed out written letter of resignation.

GM. reads. Oh. Oh. This isn't what I wanted…

Me. Well that's a shame.

Holy shit I have never left a meeting on such a high. I left my employer 6 years ago and have been working for the best boss ever since. Everyone says there are risks to owning a business / self employment and they're right, but boy do the rewards far outweigh them.

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