
A Thank You to Everyone Who’s Taking Risks, It’s Working

So, I have what is, arguably, a good employer. When they announced that yearly raises would be less than inflation, a large swath of resignations ('a high attrition rate' as the corporate speak liked to call it) took place that prompted upper management to take action. A few months later, upper management announced that they will be able to supplement an additional % to raises, which brought the yearly raise to match the 7% inflation and in some cases above (a proper raise). Keep up the pressure on corporate America, they are kicking and screaming like the 5 year olds they are, but we are forcing their hand.

So, I have what is, arguably, a good employer. When they announced that yearly raises would be less than inflation, a large swath of resignations ('a high attrition rate' as the corporate speak liked to call it) took place that prompted upper management to take action.

A few months later, upper management announced that they will be able to supplement an additional % to raises, which brought the yearly raise to match the 7% inflation and in some cases above (a proper raise).

Keep up the pressure on corporate America, they are kicking and screaming like the 5 year olds they are, but we are forcing their hand.

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