
a weird reprimand

So I recently had a month off work for mental health reasons directly caused by the demands of the job. prior to my breaj I was a department head for a medium sized company and had been for three years. Since returning I have stepped down to regular handler to take some pressure off. Slowly the pressure has built back up despite my stepping down and today I was taken into the meeting room for a quick chat. Apparently they had numerous complaints about me, what did I do wrong? I eat crisps (UK) too loudly. Yep bothering a lot of people. I eat crisps maybe once a week and this is an office that allows dogs and babies. After complaining about my eating they casually ask, how is your mental health at the moment? The order of that discussion says it all for me. Soon I will be saying…

So I recently had a month off work for mental health reasons directly caused by the demands of the job. prior to my breaj I was a department head for a medium sized company and had been for three years. Since returning I have stepped down to regular handler to take some pressure off. Slowly the pressure has built back up despite my stepping down and today I was taken into the meeting room for a quick chat. Apparently they had numerous complaints about me, what did I do wrong? I eat crisps (UK) too loudly. Yep bothering a lot of people. I eat crisps maybe once a week and this is an office that allows dogs and babies. After complaining about my eating they casually ask, how is your mental health at the moment? The order of that discussion says it all for me. Soon I will be saying bye bye fuckers.

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