
A Worrying Pattern

I went to a resume workshop, and I paid a professional to edit my resume. They said my background is very good, and basically I wasn't hyping myself up enough. I was flattered. The fee for the session was very reasonable and they did my cover letter as well. Going to the workshop was a bit embarrassing, because the crowd was more than fifty percent teenagers, but I could see adults. Some were older than me. The resume expert just added some buzzwords and they made me sound more confident. More confident, friendly and open. I've gotten 5 interview offers this week. One of them is for a very good job with a real estate agency. I've gotten into one interview for a good job that could actually pay bills before, and even though it went well I wasn't chosen. I'll never know why I wasn't chosen, but now I…

I went to a resume workshop, and I paid a professional to edit my resume. They said my background is very good, and basically I wasn't hyping myself up enough. I was flattered. The fee for the session was very reasonable and they did my cover letter as well. Going to the workshop was a bit embarrassing, because the crowd was more than fifty percent teenagers, but I could see adults. Some were older than me. The resume expert just added some buzzwords and they made me sound more confident.

More confident, friendly and open.

I've gotten 5 interview offers this week.

One of them is for a very good job with a real estate agency. I've gotten into one interview for a good job that could actually pay bills before, and even though it went well I wasn't chosen. I'll never know why I wasn't chosen, but now I can see a big reason why I've been getting rejected.

The sales position offers I've been getting have all started asking me VERY worrying questions. I already rejected an offer of 42000 + commission because the HR person ADMITTED that was a low salary. Immediate red flag. If they're that comfortable with lowballing me I know a raise would be impossible. Why are these -high brow- and -fancy- jobs so comfortable with low balling people??? I didn't get it until now.

They expect you to be rich and that “we're a family” shit is a real barrier. Jobs that pay over 60,000k seem to expect you to have no boundaries at all. I will have to act like a social butterfly who is willing to spend her own money to go to company parties, trips and birthdays(?!) If I want to be above the poverty line.

The real estate HR person has been chatting with me. They expect me to do an hour long zoom interview and an in person interview. She has sent me videos and paperwork about their “workplace culture”. I think I'm going to have to lie and say I own a home to get this job. This particular HR person is very friendly and outgoing. She says that co-workers at the agency often host BBQs at their own homes and little get togethers. I will have to be friends with all of my coworkers if I want to work there.

One of my five interview offers is with a city council, and they expect me to be on call, even on holidays.

I don't know which option is worse.

The idea of not being able to have boundaries, or any kind of negative personality traits, scares me. I keep running into the same thing! I don't get it. I'm good at what I do. I have a ton of volunteer experience and practical experience. Why do I also have to be your friend? Why do I have to add 40$ into the “potluck pot” for your birthday??? I am twenty five. I was raised lean and now inflation has made money my #1 issue. After I clock out I just want to go home and be with my friends. My boyfriend. My family. Why do I have to get excited about going out to drink with coworkers one or two times a week? I don't drink! Why am I expected to carry two phones?? One for me and one for my employer to have constant access to me?? Just let me do my work???

The sales salary offers were all particularly disgusting. All under 50000 and one manager would not stop pressuring me about my martial status. Then she mentioned that alot of the saleswomen are moms. Then she mentioned that commission rates aren't very high, and then I realized…shit. This is a low stress job place for rich women who don't have to worry about making money, because daddy already bought them a house. Because hubby is already a real estate agent. There's this big glass wall around corporate culture, and to get in I have to pretend to be something I'm not. I don't have a choice, because inflation is ruining lives where I live. Two bags of groceries was $65 dollars for me last week.

Work and your personal life should be separate things. I can't believe how blatantly corporate culture fanatics are ripping people off. I might be making enough money to buy a home soon, but I'll never have enough spare time to enjoy it.

How messed up is that?

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