
abortion rights are worker’s rights.

abortion rights are not a pet project or “distraction” to economics issues. abortion IS an economics issue. when you are forced to give birth against your will, you and your children will be trapped of a cycle of poverty. you can’t negotiate wages when you’re worried about feeding your children. you can’t afford to stand up against your boss when you you have medical debt and childcare costs. those kids will then grow up to be adults exploited by the same system. you cannot call yourself an ally of the working class if you think the rights of half of them are a distraction or unrelated social issue. this is inextricably linked.

abortion rights are not a pet project or “distraction” to economics issues. abortion IS an economics issue. when you are forced to give birth against your will, you and your children will be trapped of a cycle of poverty. you can’t negotiate wages when you’re worried about feeding your children. you can’t afford to stand up against your boss when you you have medical debt and childcare costs. those kids will then grow up to be adults exploited by the same system.

you cannot call yourself an ally of the working class if you think the rights of half of them are a distraction or unrelated social issue. this is inextricably linked.

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