
About to be unemployed

So I went on maternity leave in May, had my baby a few days after that, not even two weeks later I’m notified my job was affected in a company wide layoff of over 1,100 employees. Now I was fortunate enough for them to continue honoring my leave, but that is ending next week and I’ll be officially let go. I’ve been frantically applying to jobs these past few weeks and have gotten nothing but rejection. It’s been a nerve wracking summer and I fear it’s about to get a whole lot worse the coming months.

So I went on maternity leave in May, had my baby a few days after that, not even two weeks later I’m notified my job was affected in a company wide layoff of over 1,100 employees. Now I was fortunate enough for them to continue honoring my leave, but that is ending next week and I’ll be officially let go.

I’ve been frantically applying to jobs these past few weeks and have gotten nothing but rejection. It’s been a nerve wracking summer and I fear it’s about to get a whole lot worse the coming months.

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