
About to quit my job and I need a little support…

I’ve worked for the company for three years. Last October a senior member of our team quit after 13 years and her workload was transferred to me “and the company founder”. The founder of the company is nearly 80, requires his emails printed and has been out of the industry for 25+ years. We are a team of less than 15 and I already had a large portfolio. The workload is far beyond my education, training and expertise. I have been in survival mode since October, my health has suffered and my social life is non-existent. My family life has also suffered and my anxiety disorder returned. I lost 15 pounds. I still can’t afford a home, even with the tiny pay increase. I know that when I quit today my boss will try to guilt trip me into staying. He will claim I am ungrateful and that my departure…

I’ve worked for the company for three years. Last October a senior member of our team quit after 13 years and her workload was transferred to me “and the company founder”. The founder of the company is nearly 80, requires his emails printed and has been out of the industry for 25+ years. We are a team of less than 15 and I already had a large portfolio.

The workload is far beyond my education, training and expertise. I have been in survival mode since October, my health has suffered and my social life is non-existent. My family life has also suffered and my anxiety disorder returned. I lost 15 pounds. I still can’t afford a home, even with the tiny pay increase.

I know that when I quit today my boss will try to guilt trip me into staying. He will claim I am ungrateful and that my departure will force the firm to close. I feel a twinge of guilt and I really don’t want the firm to fold.

I have already accepted a better offer and will start in August…. I need a break.

Any memes, word of encouragement or anything else would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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