
Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Elon Musk’s email to his employees… I used to like Elon.. he used to stand up for the little guys and he followed his passion and built a company making great cars… but as they say: “absolute power corrupts absolutely” His change in stance to being a typical feudal lord of the old ages will result in employees just clocking their 40hrs to get their paycheck… quality is going to go down the shitter and the next Tesla you sit might probably become your coffin.

Elon Musk’s email to his employees…

I used to like Elon.. he used to stand up for the little guys and he followed his passion and built a company making great cars… but as they say: “absolute power corrupts absolutely”
His change in stance to being a typical feudal lord of the old ages will result in employees just clocking their 40hrs to get their paycheck… quality is going to go down the shitter and the next Tesla you sit might probably become your coffin.

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