
Abuse from nursing home residents isn’t talked about.

I’m not sure if this was the best place to do this but I figure it’ll work. Plus I’m doing a 16 hour shift (evening and night) and I’m bored off my ass. When I first became a CNA I was super excited, I was calm and loved working with each and every resident. The other CNAs who got me to work on the floors were telling me I am perfect to be one and that I’d love it. So I joined onto the team. When working in a nursing home they talk about how sweet all the residents are and how wonderful it is to be working in a home. You know what isn’t talked about? The verbal, mental, and physical abuse the residents put us through. I’ve been punched, slapped, scratched, hair pulled, pinched, nails dug into my arm. I’ve been called a bitch, a cow, a whore,…

I’m not sure if this was the best place to do this but I figure it’ll work. Plus I’m doing a 16 hour shift (evening and night) and I’m bored off my ass.

When I first became a CNA I was super excited, I was calm and loved working with each and every resident. The other CNAs who got me to work on the floors were telling me I am perfect to be one and that I’d love it. So I joined onto the team. When working in a nursing home they talk about how sweet all the residents are and how wonderful it is to be working in a home.

You know what isn’t talked about? The verbal, mental, and physical abuse the residents put us through. I’ve been punched, slapped, scratched, hair pulled, pinched, nails dug into my arm. I’ve been called a bitch, a cow, a whore, fat, ugly, lazy, a pillar of shit, a battle axe. I’ve been told to shut my mouth, to riot in hell, and been told it was a shame I was born because the world is better without me in it. This is all within 4 months of working as a CNA.

My managers don’t do anything, other girls are being sexually harassed by some and nothing is being done. It’s taking a tole on me mentally I think.. I was so sure a month into this job I wanted to be a nurse and now im like is it even worth getting shit on by patients? Being screamed at? We get no time off, we work short, Im working 16 hours because I was mandated to stay.

I want to be at home in bed with my husband. I want to do the things I want to do and I sure as shit am getting tired of the constant abuse I get everyday.

Thanks for letting me rant. It’s 3am and this is something I can do to keep me awake. :/

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