
Abusing Biscuit Privileges

This is minor compared to what a lot of you have gone through but I found it ridiculous so here it is. My work, until fairly recently, bought biscuits for the tea room on Fridays- not good ones, the exact kinds of supermarket own-brand you would expect a large company to buy in bulk. Sometimes there were wee muffins, at Christmas we got mince pies, etc. However, we got inspected in late June for ‘inefficiencies’ and I suppose that biscuits, (along with adequate staffing on weekends) were deemed inefficient. We got a mass email informing us that we had been abusing our biscuit privileges and they would no longer be offered, along with a reminder to keep healthy and fit, avoid sugar and go to the gym regularly. If they had just said that they couldn’t stretch the budget, I think I would have grumbled but been alright with it-…

This is minor compared to what a lot of you have gone through but I found it ridiculous so here it is. My work, until fairly recently, bought biscuits for the tea room on Fridays- not good ones, the exact kinds of supermarket own-brand you would expect a large company to buy in bulk. Sometimes there were wee muffins, at Christmas we got mince pies, etc. However, we got inspected in late June for ‘inefficiencies’ and I suppose that biscuits, (along with adequate staffing on weekends) were deemed inefficient.

We got a mass email informing us that we had been abusing our biscuit privileges and they would no longer be offered, along with a reminder to keep healthy and fit, avoid sugar and go to the gym regularly. If they had just said that they couldn’t stretch the budget, I think I would have grumbled but been alright with it- but they make it sound as though we were naughty schoolchildren who were no longer allowed a mufti day or something! We’re adults for Pete’s sake!

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