
Accidently forced my boss to do something nice for me

I had to call out because my disabled husband fell and was unable to get back up. My boss was NOT happy about it. The next day she made that clear. A couple days later HER boss was there and she was pretending to be nice. She asked how my husband was doing in front of her boss and my response was “he's hanging in there, still in a lot of pain, but his boss sent us dinner, so that was really cool He works for an awesome company!” I honestly said it without even thinking, because yeah, his work has been sending food because… they care I guess? and I hadn't even thought that my employer would care. Anyways, we got a gift card to papa johns from my work the next day

I had to call out because my disabled husband fell and was unable to get back up.

My boss was NOT happy about it. The next day she made that clear. A couple days later HER boss was there and she was pretending to be nice.

She asked how my husband was doing in front of her boss and my response was “he's hanging in there, still in a lot of pain, but his boss sent us dinner, so that was really cool He works for an awesome company!”

I honestly said it without even thinking, because yeah, his work has been sending food because… they care I guess? and I hadn't even thought that my employer would care.

Anyways, we got a gift card to papa johns from my work the next day

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