
Accommodation discrimination

Can a company pick and choose who they accommodate? If two coworkers have the same restriction, for instance needing a chair, can they deny one and approve the other? I currently can’t do part of a job function due to a health issue but that part isn’t something I would do everyday anyway and there are other parts that I can do unassisted. A few other coworkers have the same limitation and have for many years, but they are threatening to fire me based on not being able to accommodate me and “I’m not able to perform all parts of the job”. Should I get a lawyer? Is it something I can even fight? It’s my only income, I can’t be fired. I’m so stressed and upset and trying to get as much information on my rights as I can before confronting them. I’m applying for jobs and trying to…

Can a company pick and choose who they accommodate? If two coworkers have the same restriction, for instance needing a chair, can they deny one and approve the other? I currently can’t do part of a job function due to a health issue but that part isn’t something I would do everyday anyway and there are other parts that I can do unassisted. A few other coworkers have the same limitation and have for many years, but they are threatening to fire me based on not being able to accommodate me and “I’m not able to perform all parts of the job”. Should I get a lawyer? Is it something I can even fight? It’s my only income, I can’t be fired. I’m so stressed and upset and trying to get as much information on my rights as I can before confronting them.

I’m applying for jobs and trying to find something else but no luck yet. It’s an absolute horrible company, but I can’t just let them fire me without another job lined up and without fighting it if I can.

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