
Acting as the CFO for nothing

The company I work for is small, so my department is just the CFO, and the three of us employees. I’ve been there the shortest amount of time (~5 months), but I’m technically second in command based on my job title and tasks. Our CFO has been out of the office for a month now because of severe health issues, and we have no idea when they will be back. In that time I’ve been doing all of my usual tasks, plus about 80% of the CFOs. This has all been without complaint, as I like my job, and my boss is amazing. I want to keep everything running as best as a can for when they hopefully come back. However the board has decided that now is their time to step in and “help”. I constantly have people trying to come in and insert themselves in projects that they…

The company I work for is small, so my department is just the CFO, and the three of us employees. I’ve been there the shortest amount of time (~5 months), but I’m technically second in command based on my job title and tasks.

Our CFO has been out of the office for a month now because of severe health issues, and we have no idea when they will be back. In that time I’ve been doing all of my usual tasks, plus about 80% of the CFOs. This has all been without complaint, as I like my job, and my boss is amazing. I want to keep everything running as best as a can for when they hopefully come back.

However the board has decided that now is their time to step in and “help”. I constantly have people trying to come in and insert themselves in projects that they have no understanding of, as no one outside of the department has any knowledge of accounting principles. This as even gone to the point where we’re required to have an “open door policy” to the accounting department, which means that anyone who wants can walk into our office space whenever they want, as there is a public entrance to the office building right outside of our office door. And of course no one ever asked us what kind of support we need or what our thoughts on anything are.

On top of this, I haven’t gotten anything. One of the six board members said thank you once, that’s it. I’m acting as CFO, and have received approximately 0 recognition.

I was told that they want to meet with me next week. Honestly, at that point if they’re not planning this meeting to discuss my compensation, I am very seriously considering leaving and finding a position somewhere else.

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