
(Actual advice needed) thinking of moving jobs, no increase in pay but likely increase in work

Hey so I want an anti-work opinion on this. My current job is pretty good. I actually like my boss and my team, pay is great and the work is relatively easy. If anything it is too easy and I get bored a lot. I only do 2 or 3 hours actual work a day and during quiet times I actually go a little crazy. I also feel like I'm not learning much. I got a job offer this week for another place. Everything about it seems great. It's a more interesting position and I can tell already that the whole operation is more organised and professional, it's also likely that I will learn a lot there. Only issue is that there is no increase in pay and it's very likely that I will significantly increase my work load. No more napping on wfh days and no more going to…

Hey so I want an anti-work opinion on this.

My current job is pretty good. I actually like my boss and my team, pay is great and the work is relatively easy. If anything it is too easy and I get bored a lot. I only do 2 or 3 hours actual work a day and during quiet times I actually go a little crazy. I also feel like I'm not learning much.

I got a job offer this week for another place. Everything about it seems great. It's a more interesting position and I can tell already that the whole operation is more organised and professional, it's also likely that I will learn a lot there. Only issue is that there is no increase in pay and it's very likely that I will significantly increase my work load. No more napping on wfh days and no more going to a private meeting room to use reddit (as I am doing right now).

My question is: is it ever a good idea to take a job in the same field with more work without any increase in pay or is that always a braindead move?

Now there are some mitigating factors here. First of all it's summer and that is always a quiet time since everyone is on vacation or minding their kids. In my 3 years working here July/August has always been dead so my boredom right now is probably due to that.

Also I am personally very susceptible to boredom. I have an active mind and even short lulls in activity can drive me crazy. Right now there is also very little going on in my personal life/hobbies and I just got back from a vacation so I think my unbearable boredom might just be a passing thing that I won't actually care about in a few weeks – I also have a self destructive tendency to make stupid decisions during these periods (moving jobs for no good reason would be one example of this)

Last is that most of my issues with my current job could probably be solved with a conversation with my boss. He is good and will probably listen.

So anyways I kind of answered myself here and will most likely stay put but I would still like to hear people's take on my question:

Is it ever a good idea to take a job in the same field with more work without any increase in pay or is that always a braindead move?

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