
Advice on new evil boss

So I have a new boss that started in the beginning of November and she's absolutely awful. Here are some examples: She yells constantly in meetings. Micromanages everything She speaks to most people in a patronizing way. She is always assuming I don't know anything and says “this is for your learning” and “I need to coach you on this..”. She kisses up to her boss and is respectful to people who belong to a higher grade/level, but is really nasty to everyone else. she has no concept of work-life balance. My coworker told her his working hours and she completely ignored them. She invited him to “sprint meetings” early in the morning and late at night. She also sends emails and teams messages late into the night. She shows up to my one-on-one meetings 30 minutes late and will get up from the computer multiple times or tune me…

So I have a new boss that started in the beginning of November and she's absolutely awful. Here are some examples:

  • She yells constantly in meetings.
  • Micromanages everything
  • She speaks to most people in a patronizing way. She is always assuming I don't know anything and says “this is for your learning” and “I need to coach you on this..”. She kisses up to her boss and is respectful to people who belong to a higher grade/level, but is really nasty to everyone else.
  • she has no concept of work-life balance. My coworker told her his working hours and she completely ignored them. She invited him to “sprint meetings” early in the morning and late at night. She also sends emails and teams messages late into the night.
  • She shows up to my one-on-one meetings 30 minutes late and will get up from the computer multiple times or tune me out.
  • she eats on camera during zoom calls with important stakeholders and will say things like “hurry up!” And “just get to the point!”
  • She does rude things like send people links to articles instead of answering questions (e.g. “here, read about it yourself”).
  • She dismisses any idea that isn't her own and will shout “nooo!” Or “oh no, you cannot do that!” If you start explaining something.
  • she says strange/inappropriate things like “we can't factor in people who receive unemployment checks when determining unemployement rates for people who work in retail”.
  • she says things that aren't backed up by data or by theory and passes it off as fact – “you cannot…”, “this is how…”
    -she's changing our jobs considerably, changing the tools we use and is trying to sunset all projects that she wasnt a part of.

There are three of us that report directly to her and all three of us agree that we can't stand her. I've only been with the company for a year but am considering leaving and at least one other coworker has confirmed she's looking to leave too. I feel like we risk getting in huge trouble if we try to talk to her or report it to HR; especially since she isn't writing anything overtly inappropriate down. I also think it's worth mentioning that she's from a southeast asian country and there may be a cultural component there.

Is there a “professional” way to notify her boss or get her boss to figure this out? Or should I just wait until she pisses off the wrong person? I know this post may seem whiny, but i'm just trying to lay out all the facts in a quick way.

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