
Advise needed after my works formal probation review

Hi all, Unsure if this really fits this subs theme but just looking for some advice/other opinions on something that recently happened to me at my works formal probation review meeting recently. To give some context, I recently moved cities back in July 2021 and started working for a new company not long after. I was working under the standard 6 month probationary period that is standard with every other company, however due to multiple factors with my performance within my first 6 months of work I was given an additional 3 months of probation to improve my productivity/stats. At the time my probation was extended I completely agreed with the reasons given for the extension and chalked my lack luster productivity it up to moving to a new city, new job, etc. During the 3 month extension I recieved multiple 121 meetings with my manager in which we went…

Hi all,

Unsure if this really fits this subs theme but just looking for some advice/other opinions on something that recently happened to me at my works formal probation review meeting recently.

To give some context, I recently moved cities back in July 2021 and started working for a new company not long after. I was working under the standard 6 month probationary period that is standard with every other company, however due to multiple factors with my performance within my first 6 months of work I was given an additional 3 months of probation to improve my productivity/stats.

At the time my probation was extended I completely agreed with the reasons given for the extension and chalked my lack luster productivity it up to moving to a new city, new job, etc.

During the 3 month extension I recieved multiple 121 meetings with my manager in which we went over the multiple stats which they track and discussed different ways I could improve them.

All of this brings me up until today, I recently had my second formal probation meeting to discuss my current stats and if the company would be talking me off probation or terminating my employment.

During the meeting it was fairly standard stuff, we went through each stat, discuss how it had improved and I got to discuss what strategies I had implemented to improve said statistic.
However, towards the end of the meeting the subject shifted to my attention to my works schedule, specifically the different status of work that I put myself in throughout the day.

Before the meeting there had been no conversations with myself in regards to my attention to schedule and any improvements and needed to be made. I had prepared for my probation meeting off the back of the statistics that were continually brought up in my meetings and had no idea there was problems with my attention to schedule.

When I tried to explain this in the meeting I was met with the response of 'you are not in school anymore' meaning that it's not my managers responsibility to inform me of such things.

I totally agree that my attention to schedule is poor but only after it was brought to my attention during the meeting, the entire 9 months of my employment previous it had never once been mentioned so I continued on focusing on other areas of my work that had been brought up to me that needed improvement.

I left the meeting feeling extremely ambushed and now am waiting anxiously for a decision to be made on my employment.

Essentially I just want a second opinion on this, am I in the wrong for feeling ambushed over this? Or should my employer have brought this to my attention prior if it was a genuine concern so I wouldve had a chance to change/improve before my probation meeting.

Sorry for such a long post and any spelling mistakes!

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