
Advise on having an unfair and xenophobic and sexist boss and workplace.

I started working with a company that had two different sets of teams from two different countries . They decided to set up a branch in our country . At the start a contract was signed with specific roles and any other requirements from both sides. It all started well until we started noticing that team members from my country are being sidelined and mistreated in every possible way. If you’ve worked in a tech setting you’ll realize how important teamwork is. The lead is from the other country and he sabotages members from our team to a point of making one member get fired for no reason whatsoever . Things got worse when the whole team from country B decided to go back to their home country for a month. They made drastic changes to our team including changing of contracts without informing or engaging anyone from our team…

I started working with a company that had two different sets of teams from two different countries . They decided to set up a branch in our country . At the start a contract was signed with specific roles and any other requirements from both sides. It all started well until we started noticing that team members from my country are being sidelined and mistreated in every possible way. If you’ve worked in a tech setting you’ll realize how important teamwork is. The lead is from the other country and he sabotages members from our team to a point of making one member get fired for no reason whatsoever . Things got worse when the whole team from country B decided to go back to their home country for a month. They made drastic changes to our team including changing of contracts without informing or engaging anyone from our team . It became even more worse when we realized only members from our country were affected by these changes. I recently got diagnosed with severe endometriosis and couldn’t be able to attend to my duties physically . These people made me work from home and made me choose to either freelance for them or go on an unpaid leave. How I’m supposed to pay bills if I can’t even eat or move? I’m not the best developer out there but I know my skill set is good enough. Me suffering from a condition I have no control over and one that leaves me in severe pain should not be ground for you to punish me for it. A whole team being from a different country than yours should not be grounds for xenophobia in a workplace to a point employees are disgruntled and depressed . Kindly, any advice on how I can be paid my dues ?

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