
After 13 years of working for the same company, my husband gets ‘fired’ for asking for more money on a job that took 2 extra weeks.

He started working with his dad, doing remodeling and carpentry work, at 18 or 19 years old. His dad was a sub contractor working for a company. Last year, he started doing jobs on his own. He puts out amazing work. He really cares about the work he does and is a bit of a perfectionist. On the last job he did, the customer was a total bitch. Just complaining about everything, wanting a schedule for every little thing that was going to be done every day, hovering, changing her mind on fixtures, towel bars, etc once they were already installed. The job took 2 weeks longer than expected. The quote that was wrote up was for a job that would take 4 weeks. So he essentially worked for free for 2 whole weeks. He went to his boss several times to ask for extra money, since the job wasnt…

He started working with his dad, doing remodeling and carpentry work, at 18 or 19 years old. His dad was a sub contractor working for a company. Last year, he started doing jobs on his own. He puts out amazing work. He really cares about the work he does and is a bit of a perfectionist. On the last job he did, the customer was a total bitch. Just complaining about everything, wanting a schedule for every little thing that was going to be done every day, hovering, changing her mind on fixtures, towel bars, etc once they were already installed. The job took 2 weeks longer than expected. The quote that was wrote up was for a job that would take 4 weeks. So he essentially worked for free for 2 whole weeks. He went to his boss several times to ask for extra money, since the job wasnt quoted properly. It’s been 7 weeks since that job. Not only did they deny him any extra pay, they told him they were looking into getting him another job to start only to call yesterday and say there’s no work. He’s never waited this long for a job EVER. They’ve basically been giving him the run around, bullshitting him, because he asked for more money. And now we’re on the verge of losing everything.

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