
After 14 years, I told my company I was leaving them.

This post would be 10 pages long if I went into all the fucked up things I’ve had to deal with in the last 6 years. Some of it I’ve posted in this sub before. I went and told HR first. Shear fucking panic. She kept telling me she was happy for me (I decided to go back to school) but she had a wild look in her eyes. She said to me “I don’t know a single person that could do all the things you can”. Immediately after I left her office she paged our GM. I told my boss later. I actually felt pretty bad. She started to cry and told me she wished she could retire because she didn’t know what she was going to do. Before she left for the day she stopped by my office (we both have tomorrow + weekend off). She told me…

This post would be 10 pages long if I went into all the fucked up things I’ve had to deal with in the last 6 years. Some of it I’ve posted in this sub before.

I went and told HR first. Shear fucking panic. She kept telling me she was happy for me (I decided to go back to school) but she had a wild look in her eyes. She said to me “I don’t know a single person that could do all the things you can”. Immediately after I left her office she paged our GM.

I told my boss later. I actually felt pretty bad. She started to cry and told me she wished she could retire because she didn’t know what she was going to do.

Before she left for the day she stopped by my office (we both have tomorrow + weekend off). She told me she was happy I was doing what was best for me and wished she could have made it better. She’s a nice person but not a great boss – which tbh the management team shut her out a long time ago. They treat her pretty much the way they treat me. 0 support, 0 respect

She told me she went to talk to our GM and he refused. He wasn’t in the right headspace to talk about me leaving apparently. He said I was one of the most versatile and knowledgeable people at our company and the news was devastating. He needed time to think about it.

Honestly…. This really pissed me off. If I was so valuable, they sure as fuck didn’t show it.

Among numerous other things, I haven’t gotten a raise in 6 years despite getting new responsibilities(several that are well above my pay grade. I only make $17.50 and I’m doing engineer work ffs). When I expressed how unhappy I was about this to my GM he basically told me it was more important to give raises to the employees with family insurance because their paychecks were being eaten by it. Yeah… that was my final straw.

I did give them a 2-3 week notice. Not to benefit the company but to hopefully help my remaining coworkers. I don’t want them to have to go through some of the shit I had to.

I’m supposed to give them a list of all the things I do that no one knows I do and that no one else knows how to do….. that’s going to be one hell of a list.

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