
After graduation I don’t think I will have the energy to continue

I will try to make a long story short. I took a year off college after four semesters. During the year off I went to real estate school and got licensed. Then when I went back to college I transferred in a different state so all my credits didn’t transfer, basically restarting a four year degree again. This upcoming December I will be graduating a little shy of four years. During the above mentioned scenarios I have been working full time, at the command of my dad and gave him monthly allowances. I am burnt the fuck out. These last two years have been killer due to year round school because I want to graduate already. All year round as in taking three to four summer courses and regular four course semesters for fall and spring. Hence when I graduate I just don’t want to do anything. I don’t see…

I will try to make a long story short. I took a year off college after four semesters. During the year off I went to real estate school and got licensed. Then when I went back to college I transferred in a different state so all my credits didn’t transfer, basically restarting a four year degree again. This upcoming December I will be graduating a little shy of four years. During the above mentioned scenarios I have been working full time, at the command of my dad and gave him monthly allowances. I am burnt the fuck out. These last two years have been killer due to year round school because I want to graduate already. All year round as in taking three to four summer courses and regular four course semesters for fall and spring. Hence when I graduate I just don’t want to do anything. I don’t see the point of continuing to expense my energy beyond college. I don’t mind dropping everything after graduating and just chilling at home until I get kicked out and then maybe I will work hard again. Perhaps that day will never come and I will just give up because that all I have been wanting to do since about a few months ago. A couple of months ago I was studying as per usual and I started staring at my notes wondering wtf is the point of all this shit. Tbh and you can probably tell I really want to give up already. However I have to graduate and I will but fuck man I’m done I think.

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