
After today, I’m two days away from my two-week notice end date but I feel like today will be my last day… and I feel guilty…

..Guilty even though I'm miserable as can be. Even though I'm constantly 'guilty until proven innocent' with the caliber of my work (badgered and questioned just to find out the mistake's never been with me), even though my boss ignored me for the last two weeks, went on vacation this week and never even said a farewell of any kind, even though I spent the last two weeks compiling a binder of all my work duties and ERP system processes for whoever will take my position so they didn't start out in the dark like I did… My husband wants me to say my farewells today instead of waiting until Wednesday and starting the new gig Thursday. I should have quit the n'th time I came home in tears and frustration a month ago. This sense of responsibility keeps me here even though no one here would blink with care,…

..Guilty even though I'm miserable as can be.

Even though I'm constantly 'guilty until proven innocent' with the caliber of my work (badgered and questioned just to find out the mistake's never been with me), even though my boss ignored me for the last two weeks, went on vacation this week and never even said a farewell of any kind, even though I spent the last two weeks compiling a binder of all my work duties and ERP system processes for whoever will take my position so they didn't start out in the dark like I did…

My husband wants me to say my farewells today instead of waiting until Wednesday and starting the new gig Thursday. I should have quit the n'th time I came home in tears and frustration a month ago. This sense of responsibility keeps me here even though no one here would blink with care, just rage of some semblance of betrayal, that I left.

I just don't think I can spend another 35 mile drive at 4 AM in dread coming to this place.

Is there any repercussions that can be had with me just not coming in tomorrow? The handbook doesn't say two weeks is mandatory, just suggested. I handed in my writing that said my last day would be the 20th.

EDIT: This posted suddenly when I pressed the wrong key.. changed a few things. Wasn't sure I was actually going to post but I guess it decided for me

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