
After weeks of being denied fair wages, i finally decided to quit… they then ask me to train new employee and not discuss wage with her

This is kinda a long story but it get wild near the end. So due to really shit working conditions, a lot of people in the kitchen i work at quit, leaving just me and a friend. I had recently asked for a raise and they had been stalling a lot on it. When i finally got it, it was like 60 cents per hour less than the people who had quit. Note i have been working there longer than all of them and they have the audacity to pay me less than the people i have trained. Especially when im gonna be one of the only servers. Enough was enough so i told my manager that either they pay at least what the previous employees were making or i was going to quit. I have been working there the longest and they needed me to train the replacements so…

This is kinda a long story but it get wild near the end. So due to really shit working conditions, a lot of people in the kitchen i work at quit, leaving just me and a friend. I had recently asked for a raise and they had been stalling a lot on it. When i finally got it, it was like 60 cents per hour less than the people who had quit. Note i have been working there longer than all of them and they have the audacity to pay me less than the people i have trained. Especially when im gonna be one of the only servers. Enough was enough so i told my manager that either they pay at least what the previous employees were making or i was going to quit. I have been working there the longest and they needed me to train the replacements so they gave in. Not even 15 minutes later my boss comes into the break room and asks that while im training the new girl tomorrow, i dont talk about wages. I say “respectfully, it is very illegal for you to ask that. He insists and just kinda leaves. This all happened an hour ago, tomorrow im going to tell the new hire exactly what i make and how much she should ask for, im not letting them get away with not paying employees that they desperately need less than they are worth.

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