
Aftermath of meeting with HR over manager who screwed up my pto and blamed me

Guys today was a rollercoaster of events. The meeting started at 9:30 due to a code on my floor, the patient made it thankfully. We all got seated at about 9:35 and my recording started then. Me, my manager, PCC, director, and 2 reps from hr (one being hr manager and the other my recruiter) we have recruiters for each position at my hospital so nurse recruiter, tech recruiter, and so on. The first thing that was said was by my director and she looked at everyone and said we need a resolution today, our staff don’t need to be dealing with this and our daily workload, and frankly, this issue shouldn’t have gone as far as it did so let’s please begin. I was surprised she came since she has just gotten back from vacation but I was thankful. She was one of those directors that gave a crap…

Guys today was a rollercoaster of events.

The meeting started at 9:30 due to a code on my floor, the patient made it thankfully. We all got seated at about 9:35 and my recording started then. Me, my manager, PCC, director, and 2 reps from hr (one being hr manager and the other my recruiter) we have recruiters for each position at my hospital so nurse recruiter, tech recruiter, and so on. The first thing that was said was by my director and she looked at everyone and said we need a resolution today, our staff don’t need to be dealing with this and our daily workload, and frankly, this issue shouldn’t have gone as far as it did so let’s please begin. I was surprised she came since she has just gotten back from vacation but I was thankful. She was one of those directors that gave a crap about her staff. I spoke up after she was done and asked if I can please start with my story since I included everyone there in my email so everyone knew what happened but I wanted to get it recorded on my phone which I was allowed because HR also had a transcript of our meeting. I told them that this whole PTO vacation was planned from the beginning of this year and I made my manager and all pccs aware of this back in February. I had given him 6 months to be accurate to get me off the schedule. I stressed to him that this vacation wasn’t to have a getaway to a beach or go drink it was to see my family that I haven’t seen in a decade. They live in the middle east so arranging this was something that needed to be done and no messed with. All of my expenses were paid upfront and taken care of 6 months ago. I showed him my ticket purchase receipt, my family ticket receipt, and my hotel stay. I did this because of what happened last year. I cut my PTO short because he begged me to due to being short-staffed. I did it to be nice I didn’t expect this to happen again and defiantly not last minute as he did. My plane ticket and hotel stay are not refundable and I would be charged a fee for late cancelation. If he had told me a few weeks or months in advance I might have been able to do something if the reservation sites allowed it, but no, he decided to do all this during text messages after a long stressful day at work where we both were there. I don’t know why he decided to do it after work hours and not during our 12-hour shift but that is for him to explain. The hotel check-in date is 1 week away, I have been looking forward to it all year long and cannot just cancel unless you plan to reimburse me and my family members for all of their expenses. They too made the same reservation and I explained this to him. (I hand them all a copy of the email I sent to him in February and of the text messages. I first start off by looking at my manager in the eye and apologizing for my tone and language and blaming it on a hard day accompanied by an impossible request he made. I say this was unprofessional and I truly am sorry but it doesn’t excuse what he said and asked of me. I told them to read it all and look at the copies of the emails and tickets. This wasn’t something I can just reschedule and go on about my day. This would be the 3rd time he has done this in 3 years twice to me and 2 times to my coworkers. I noted on his text about comparing my reason to others when mine was to see my family and I told them I felt discriminated against because he was favoring others over me. He has a habit of leaving the schedule until the last minute and putting the game of catching up on his staff. Please note the attempted many times to have me cancel this meeting and just guilt me into giving in, over and over I stressed to him to drop the convo and let us continue it with HR but he kept pushing. I felt harassed because he would not put it aside after asking over and over. I never have had an issue with this company and I hope to not have one after today but this was completely unprofessional and unfair. This is when I stopped talking because I said all I can, they did talk about my language and said it was very unprofessional to talk to your manager that way and I agreed and apologized for the 3rd time. I said this was only because of how stressed I was and the thought of having to explain to my family that they need to cancel and lose thousands of dollars. I said I wouldn’t have said anything like that if only he talked to me during an appropriate time and manner. He then spoke and told his story which was just what I said but kept going on and on that he asked me for help and I outright said no and couldn’t even compromise and during that, I would let him stop talking and go back to the nature of the time frame of my pto. I also spoke about all of the PRN positions we had and how I was the one he spoke to and not them I showed them emails from my work email where all of the prn clerks said they were not contacted by him about this matter at all even back to 4 months nothing from him. HR said that he did have ample time to figure this out and my director and pccs agree, they scolded him on how he only spoke to me and left it until the last minute, he was told that he will not be doing the Schule and gave it to my regular pcc and apologized to me. They brought up my past 2 yearly evaluations and looked at all the notes and complaints and found none. I think that helped because no one complained about me. They said we will talk a bit about your language and tone when you get back and as far as him. He is going to get put on FMLA with no pay for 3 weeks and after he would attend management training because this was unacceptable. The pccs during the meeting stressed that he will be getting a formal write-up and me and he will have a follow-up meeting to clear the air. They also said that his plans of becoming a PCC would be put on hold until he showed improvement and they felt that he was ready to handle the position. After all of that, they talked to me about what the plan for the resolution is and I agreed and thanked everyone and told them I’m sorry this went far as it did but I appreciated everyone’s time and effort. We were all given a small lunch box as we signed some forms of this meeting and just said that what is going to happen will happen and what the outcome was.

I hope that prick learned something from today and and will suffer from no pay and the demotion. What he did was so stupid and just ruined everyone’s week. Now my pccs are one person short of who can make the schedule and my director came back to a fucked-up floor with a big issue. I want to thank everyone who commented and gave me advice and hope that this never happens to anyone again. I hope you enjoyed the outcome as much as I did.

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