
Ah Corporate, I can see your shenanigans a mile away.

Alright, here's some context for you. I work for . A few years ago, when the pandemic started, we closed the doors on our operations center out here on the west coast with the express understanding that it was going to be temporary, and we'd all be back in a few months. Needless to say, that time came and went, and eventually HQ gives us notice that we'll be rolling out a work-at-home program in the wake of the restrictions and requirements of our states in regards to viral health. Thanks WHO. So, we finally get our shit, go home and set up. That was two years ago. A week ago, I got an email from on high, long and short of it was “hey, did your boss talk to you about this list we have of people? Y'all have slow internet, and it's mucking up the business, and the…

Alright, here's some context for you. I work for . A few years ago, when the pandemic started, we closed the doors on our operations center out here on the west coast with the express understanding that it was going to be temporary, and we'd all be back in a few months.

Needless to say, that time came and went, and eventually HQ gives us notice that we'll be rolling out a work-at-home program in the wake of the restrictions and requirements of our states in regards to viral health. Thanks WHO. So, we finally get our shit, go home and set up.

That was two years ago.

A week ago, I got an email from on high, long and short of it was “hey, did your boss talk to you about this list we have of people? Y'all have slow internet, and it's mucking up the business, and the 'customer experience'.”

Now, I moved into my current place 3 months ago, and it's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, right? So, my roommate that I work with has the best internet he's going to get with an upload speed of 'slower than a snail moving through molasses'. He's been operating just fine, with the minor hiccup, the past two years. Sure, it gets annoying from time to time having to call the customer back, but we get shit done. Our internal metrics even support this fact.

So, why is it that HQ is thinking of canning us now, when THEY shut our OpsCenter down, when we're the literal BEST center in all of the operation, and when they're feigning wanting to retain employees (when they're hiring third-parties who have zero training and are only creating more of a workload)?

Oh yeah! MONEY! That's right! Save money by not having to train, license and pay personnel that know how to do their job! Man, you have to love at-will states, where you're always at the risk of losing your position.

So, now I'm at a loss about what to do next, considering I've been looking at moving, but if we get trashed before I save up enough, I'm fucked 6 ways to Sunday.

A buddy of mine suggested /r/AntiWork, thinking you guys would have some thoughtful suggestions about what to do next.

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