
AI is too dangerous to be left in the hands of Big Tech.

Recent advances in AI have been pretty huge. For instance, Deepmind's Gato model is capable of controlling a robotic hand as well as holding a conversation. And progress in the area has lots of room to grow using known methods – we are going to start seeing smarter and smarter AI very shortly that will be able to replace many of our jobs. There's just one problem. Currently, the training and deployment of these models is hugely expensive – only a few large corporations have the ability to train and deploy these models, and they do not want to give them up. Rather, they want to bide their time so that when the technology is fully ready to deploy, they can profit off of them at our expense. The antiwork movement has been all about pressuring government to implement policies which can benefit workers, but I would just like to…

Recent advances in AI have been pretty huge. For instance, Deepmind's Gato model is capable of controlling a robotic hand as well as holding a conversation. And progress in the area has lots of room to grow using known methods – we are going to start seeing smarter and smarter AI very shortly that will be able to replace many of our jobs. There's just one problem.

Currently, the training and deployment of these models is hugely expensive – only a few large corporations have the ability to train and deploy these models, and they do not want to give them up. Rather, they want to bide their time so that when the technology is fully ready to deploy, they can profit off of them at our expense.

The antiwork movement has been all about pressuring government to implement policies which can benefit workers, but I would just like to point out that if developing AI technologies aren't properly regulated, it could end up fucking all of us over. I would very much recommend you all learn more about what is possible with these systems, and try to push to get these regulated. There are currently attempts in the EU and Canada to do so, but they are being heavily lobbied against by various players in the area. We need to fight back so these technologies can be used for the good of us all, instead of just the benefit of large corporations, or we're all screwed.

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