
AITA for stipulating in any employment that I get Veterans Day paid off without a vacation day being used?

Just like the title says……. I served for 8 years in the US Navy honorably as a Machinist Mate. To simplify it I was mechanic who took care of boilers, pumps, and various other auxiliary equipment that maintained any ships functionality that was powered by either a boiler or a nuclear powered reactor. That being said I feel that if you are a Vet; doesn't matter what branch; as long as you are honestly discharged; that you should be able to get Veterans Day as a paid day off without accounting against a vacation or sick day.

Just like the title says……. I served for 8 years in the US Navy honorably as a Machinist Mate. To simplify it I was mechanic who took care of boilers, pumps, and various other auxiliary equipment that maintained any ships functionality that was powered by either a boiler or a nuclear powered reactor. That being said I feel that if you are a Vet; doesn't matter what branch; as long as you are honestly discharged; that you should be able to get Veterans Day as a paid day off without accounting against a vacation or sick day.

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