
All it took was one slow quarter for the new slave drivers to crack the whip

Is it any surprise that when these ‘great’ big companies that are ‘changing the world’ and ‘disrupting the system’ experience a few quarters of missed expected earnings, they turn into tyrants against their employees? Meta, Tesla and Google- such great companies until they go three months without sucking every f*cking penny out of the world’s pockets, and their employees are suddenly just ‘unfocused, lazy, slackers’. Seriously, fck every damned one of these tech companies. They killed retailers, advertising, malls, and made the world completely dependent on their damned tech- and it’s just not enough. Billions of dollars in revenues and it’s just not enough. Fcking virtual monopolies and it’s not enough. Same with all these f*cking big industries like the airlines. What were these guys doing with all their f@cking profits for all these decades? And now they’re on the verge of collapse? I’m sure that’s what they want everyone…

Is it any surprise that when these ‘great’ big companies that are ‘changing the world’ and ‘disrupting the system’ experience a few quarters of missed expected earnings, they turn into tyrants against their employees?

Meta, Tesla and Google- such great companies until they go three months without sucking every f*cking penny out of the world’s pockets, and their employees are suddenly just ‘unfocused, lazy, slackers’.

Seriously, fck every damned one of these tech companies. They killed retailers, advertising, malls, and made the world completely dependent on their damned tech- and it’s just not enough. Billions of dollars in revenues and it’s just not enough. Fcking virtual monopolies and it’s not enough.

Same with all these f*cking big industries like the airlines. What were these guys doing with all their f@cking profits for all these decades? And now they’re on the verge of collapse? I’m sure that’s what they want everyone to believe.

Work harder to keep Zuckerberg absurdly rich. Work longer hours so Elon can polute nearby space with his garbage satellites and billionaire ‘space tourists’.

I hope all these companies fold. I hope their f@cking shareholders and venture capitalist funders have to live under bridges. At least the Roman emperors left columns and arches. The new emperors built nothing but a disposable nation that looks like garbage. They built piles of toxic batteries, wires and plastic. They built s#it that won’t last a year before it becomes useless. They substituted local work for Chinese slave labor and wanted that slavery to last forever. F*ck them all.

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