
Always be careful who you are speaking to

I must spend too much time reading stories on this subreddit because you assholes are starting to get into my head. I work for a small company providing services to counties I won't go into specifics. The other day a coworker was venting some frustrations to me about lack of pay/benefits and time work balance about our job and I casually mentioned that since we had such a small company and there were only few people in our position it would take a minuscule amount of people to vote and unionize, Little did I know I was speaking to a coworker that is apparently well known for going and talking to the boss about every little thing that someone says, flash forward a few hours and I'm on the phone with my boss and he's offering me a $4,000 raise seemingly out of the blue which I happily accepted but…

I must spend too much time reading stories on this subreddit because you assholes are starting to get into my head. I work for a small company providing services to counties I won't go into specifics. The other day a coworker was venting some frustrations to me about lack of pay/benefits and time work balance about our job and I casually mentioned that since we had such a small company and there were only few people in our position it would take a minuscule amount of people to vote and unionize, Little did I know I was speaking to a coworker that is apparently well known for going and talking to the boss about every little thing that someone says, flash forward a few hours and I'm on the phone with my boss and he's offering me a $4,000 raise seemingly out of the blue which I happily accepted but now I will just have get better at realizing I need to be careful who I speak to about these things because this time it ended up in my favor but the next time it could end up different.

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