I have a coworker who does pretty much the same thing I do. We can both work from home on occasion, and we share the workload between the two of us.
Without being too specific as to the type of work, we do it in “parts”. Getting 4 parts done in an hour is a very reasonable average. I'm faster than her, and get more like 6 or 7 done in an hour.
I don't expect her to keep up with me, but it's getting ridiculous how little she's getting done. We're talking not even 1 part in an hour, when working remotely. She doesn't have kids or random coworkers distracting her, and is doing almost nothing all day. It's not much better when in the office.
Not only that, but the quality of work she's putting out is awful, so it's not like she's spending a long time getting it right. Additionally, she skips to the easier parts, leaving the hardest ones for me. It's starting to get really frustrating.
Now, I get not breaking your back going try-hard at work. I understand doing the minimum to get your check, but this is far beyond that. Not only does she lie about working when she really isn't (she's told me this, I haven't snitched…yet), but she's making my job significantly harder in the process.
I don't know if the bosses just haven't noticed yet (she hasn't been here more than a few months), or if she's lying and saying she did parts that I did. Seriously, they could just assume that because I do so much, it's her getting some of it done. I just know that I'm basically stuck doing to work of two people because she's incredibly lazy.
I just wanted to see how ya'll think I should handle this. Do I say nothing, keep looking forward, and just pretend I have no help? Do I say something to her? Do I say something to the boss? Like what's the right way to handle this?