
Am I covering Myself by Giving HR my VA Mental Assessment Appointment Verification?

My company has always been great about not asking for slips/notes or other proof of needs to take time away from work. So I don’t ever provide official paperwork to HR (no one does) for doctors/dentist notes for appointments. But I feel my mental health may be becoming an issue work wise until I can get a regular therapist. So I sent a copy of my VA assessment paperwork to HR as documentation of what I am dealing with/working on for legal protection (California). Good or bad? What else should I do?

My company has always been great about not asking for slips/notes or other proof of needs to take time away from work. So I don’t ever provide official paperwork to HR (no one does) for doctors/dentist notes for appointments. But I feel my mental health may be becoming an issue work wise until I can get a regular therapist. So I sent a copy of my VA assessment paperwork to HR as documentation of what I am dealing with/working on for legal protection (California). Good or bad? What else should I do?

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