
Am I crazy to quit my engineering job to pursue a dream?

Hey everyone, I (30m) am currently an engineer (as a contractor) for a large tech company. They have announced their return to office and as it is, I currently have zero desire to go back. The commute, rent price and stress of the job just aren't worth it. My plan is to just put in my 2 weeks notice and follow my passion. I make around 120k and am up for a promotion next week.. During the pandemic I moved away from my high cost of living bay area condo to a sleepy beach town in oregon and bought my house outright. My bills are very low for my wife & I and she also owns her own business. If I followed my passion I would be making next to nothing for at least the first year and maybe longer. Is it wild to do such a shift? I guess…

Hey everyone,

I (30m) am currently an engineer (as a contractor) for a large tech company.

They have announced their return to office and as it is, I currently have zero desire to go back. The commute, rent price and stress of the job just aren't worth it.

My plan is to just put in my 2 weeks notice and follow my passion.

I make around 120k and am up for a promotion next week..

During the pandemic I moved away from my high cost of living bay area condo to a sleepy beach town in oregon and bought my house outright. My bills are very low for my wife & I and she also owns her own business.

If I followed my passion I would be making next to nothing for at least the first year and maybe longer.

Is it wild to do such a shift? I guess my biggest fear is that I will be losing all forward career progress and start fresh which is terrifying.

Curious what others thoughts are and am happy to answer any questions I missed.

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