
Am I Done For?

So, I (22F) have a horrible job history. The longest I ever stayed at a job was two months shy of 2 years. I quit after I got in trouble for grazing (opening things before purchasing them) a type of theft. I filed an EEOC lawsuit and they thought I was discriminated against and harassed. Once I told my boss I was pregnant I went from full-time hours to like 20 hours a week and all sorts of stuff. I paid for the stuff I opened (drinks) because no one was up front for me to purchase them before I needed to drink something and as a pregnant woman throwing up constantly, I was severely dehydrated. I have medical documents from multiple ER visits stating I was dehydrated and diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. Grazing is a type of theft but not straight-up theft. Anyway, judge how you please. They filed…

So, I (22F) have a horrible job history. The longest I ever stayed at a job was two months shy of 2 years. I quit after I got in trouble for grazing (opening things before purchasing them) a type of theft. I filed an EEOC lawsuit and they thought I was discriminated against and harassed. Once I told my boss I was pregnant I went from full-time hours to like 20 hours a week and all sorts of stuff. I paid for the stuff I opened (drinks) because no one was up front for me to purchase them before I needed to drink something and as a pregnant woman throwing up constantly, I was severely dehydrated. I have medical documents from multiple ER visits stating I was dehydrated and diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. Grazing is a type of theft but not straight-up theft. Anyway, judge how you please. They filed the charge but never got back to me. I ended up just letting it go.

Anyway, I've had tons of jobs, 10 jobs within 7 years. I got another job at the beginning of this year at a daycare but I quit when my daughter pretty much immediately caught RSV and wasn't allowed in daycare (the same one I was at) until she recovered. Her oxygen was so low that she was going to have to be hospitalized and intubated if she didn't get better with breathing treatments every 3 hours. Now I'm just trying to complete my degree and not messing with trying to get a job until I graduate.

I'll be taking more than a year off of having no job combined with my shit job history so I'm really anxious for when I do go back into the workforce. I feel like I'm absolutely done for when it comes to finding a good job. I've been going to college since I was 17 and it was a huge reason I'd end up quitting a job or the job paid a wage that made it to where it wasn't worth having the job. So I see my ability to stay in a job better when I finally graduate.

Am I done for or out of the running for a good job? Is there anything I can do to make it better? Is there anything I could say in an interview that'd make my job history not seem so bad if I'm asked?

TL;DR: I have a shit job history accompanied by what could be considered theft (depending on who's looking at it) at my longest-held job. I've stopped trying to get a job completely until I graduate causing me to have a year+ of having no job. I feel like I have no hope of having a good job because of these decisions. Questions directly above.

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