
Am I justified or just inexperienced?

Hi, I'm a Brazilian 18f and recently got my first ever job as a cashier on a pizzeria owned by an elderly couple, they're not that old but they barely know how to use computers so I have to figure it out by myself or if I'm lucky I can ask their son in law for help. They're open EVERY day of the week except Sundays and initially I was supposed to work with another girl, one day I go, the next she goes and so on, on weekends I'm supposed to go to Work at 9:30AM and pray that someone's available to work the night shift or else I'll have to work from 9:30AM untill 1:00AM, go back home, sleep and be back again the next day for another morning shift. The pay? 35 Reais (6,97 USD) PER SHIFT. Anyway, last night I went to work like normal(during the…

Hi, I'm a Brazilian 18f and recently got my first ever job as a cashier on a pizzeria owned by an elderly couple, they're not that old but they barely know how to use computers so I have to figure it out by myself or if I'm lucky I can ask their son in law for help. They're open EVERY day of the week except Sundays and initially I was supposed to work with another girl, one day I go, the next she goes and so on, on weekends I'm supposed to go to Work at 9:30AM and pray that someone's available to work the night shift or else I'll have to work from 9:30AM untill 1:00AM, go back home, sleep and be back again the next day for another morning shift. The pay? 35 Reais (6,97 USD) PER SHIFT. Anyway, last night I went to work like normal(during the week days I work from 5:30 PM until midnight)helped open the store, clean, turned on the PC and started making promotional posts like normal, then I picked up a piece of paper to write something personal on it that I didn't want to forget, I would've done it on my phone but I'm not allowed to use it during work hours (reasonable, I'm dealing with money after all) and the owner's wife got mad at me bc it wasn't related to work (keep in mind that wevey just opened and no-one is going to buy pizza at 5:30PM on a Thursday, the store was completely empty). She went to the back to do her thing and I stayed, but I started to feel my chest getting tight(?) I couldn't breathe normally but didn't think anything of it, a few minutes later she came back with her husband (mind you he was smoking inside the restaurant) and for some reason they were arguing and continued to argue in front of me obviously making me uncomfortable bc they were screaming at eachother about personal things, the woman even cursed at her grandson bc he accidentally got the floor dirty. I started feeling dizzy and threw up, they noticed and told me to sit down bc I looked like I was going to pass out, I called my mom and she sent my dad to pick me up, at home we discovered that my blood pressure was very high, they got me some medicine, helped me shower and lay down. After some time I felt better but didn't go back, now I can't stop thinking about it, I feel like she was taking her frustration out on me, but at the same time I hear a little voice in my head telling me I'm just being wussy and that's how the world works and I should get over it and continue working. I don't want to quit bc it's literally my second wees working, but at the same time I think I found out why no one stays with them for more than a few weeks, maybe that's how they really behave and they were nicer the first few days bc I had just got the job? IDK, and I'll continue working there at least until I can update my résumé and say I have experience working somewhere. What do you guys think? Am I just being dramatic or am I justified in feeling uneasy working with them?

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