
Am I overreacting or am I in the right? somewhere in the middle?

So I was verbally offered employment at a large, very well known, financial firm in April. I showed up for my first day (as they requested) and found out about halfway through the day that I hadnt been officially hired and the hiring process takes 3-6wks (their estimate). I figured there was a miscommunication, so at the end of the day I went home and got started on the actual hiring process. It was lots of background checks, zoom meetings with higher ups, financial disclosures…everything one would expect with this sort of a firm. Mid June I was asked (by the person I would be working directly under) to start on monday. I did, and everything seemed ok but at the end of the week still no one had asked for my banking information to set up payroll. I mentioned this to the person who had handled my hiring and…

So I was verbally offered employment at a large, very well known, financial firm in April. I showed up for my first day (as they requested) and found out about halfway through the day that I hadnt been officially hired and the hiring process takes 3-6wks (their estimate). I figured there was a miscommunication, so at the end of the day I went home and got started on the actual hiring process. It was lots of background checks, zoom meetings with higher ups, financial disclosures…everything one would expect with this sort of a firm.

Mid June I was asked (by the person I would be working directly under) to start on monday. I did, and everything seemed ok but at the end of the week still no one had asked for my banking information to set up payroll. I mentioned this to the person who had handled my hiring and was ignored. 2 weeks later I went to someone higher up and explained it and they said that I hadnt been officially hired and the company doesnt pay until Im officially hired (AND they dont backdate). He assured me they would pay me out of the directora fund, which they did that same day, so I continued working. I still had not been officially hired as my trading license hadnt gone through yet.

I was officially hired July 20, and since about a week before that I had sent in my banking information, I assumed pay would be set up. Wrong. Yesterday was payday, and…nothing. I sent an email to my bosses stating that I was leaving until this issue was fixed, and I left. They immediately phoned me and started with the excuses about how the company is a pain to deal with but we put up with it because its the reason we have a job (…what?) And not to worry, they would transfer me more money. Another employee told me that they get their salary mid month and commissions at the beginning of the month (and since I haven't earned commissions yet thats probably why I didnt get paid). Ok, thats fair, but NO ONE has told me this and Ive been there for 2mo and asked about pay TWICE.

I said that Im not sure this company is a good fit and that Id have to think about it over the weekend. Maybe there is a legit reason for all of this but Ive been working in the office for 2mo now and while they only owe me for 2wks of work, and I know theyll pay me cash, I dont think that is an appropriate way for me to be getting paid at this point. They acted like I was wasting their time (3mo of it, since I started the hiring process in April!) But after 2mo of qorking there shouldnt I at least be receiving a proper paycheque??

The job is good, I enjoy it. The regional office is excellent…head office is a JOKE. The salary isnt good (but I really enjoy the job).

Something about this situation just doesnt sit right with me and I am on the fence about quitting on Monday but its time to cut my losses…isn't it?

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