
Am I supposed to give notice for calling out sick? Or how much notice?

First job, so I can’t say I’m experienced, but you all seem well versed in work place occurrences so I’d figure I’d ask or share the ridiculousness. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now being a student involved in a lot of volunteer stuff as well. I woke up this morning absolutely stressed out of my mind nauseous and decided I just had to call out. Admittedly, they are short staffed, so I understand the frustration, plus I do have a morning shift. Anyway, I call my manager and explain the situation and they say something like “you realize this is very short notice right?” After I say I feel too bad to come in. In the moment I apologize, but then I hang up and think “well that’s kinda dumb, how am I supposed to give notice for morning nausea?” Idk, maybe I missed something, but I…

First job, so I can’t say I’m experienced, but you all seem well versed in work place occurrences so I’d figure I’d ask or share the ridiculousness. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now being a student involved in a lot of volunteer stuff as well. I woke up this morning absolutely stressed out of my mind nauseous and decided I just had to call out. Admittedly, they are short staffed, so I understand the frustration, plus I do have a morning shift. Anyway, I call my manager and explain the situation and they say something like “you realize this is very short notice right?” After I say I feel too bad to come in. In the moment I apologize, but then I hang up and think “well that’s kinda dumb, how am I supposed to give notice for morning nausea?” Idk, maybe I missed something, but I was confused.

For context, place opens at 7, called at 8 when I woke up and shift was at 10.

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