
Am I the only one who thinks capitalism sucks?

I mean seriously, WTF I should work for some Ceo or shit for 30years and still cant my own my single house and just die miserably?? “The differnce between ancient slave and modern tumes slave is that modern times slave dont know they are slave.” Capitalism is such a Bullshit. This is just hell. If you dont own a single captial,then your life will be no difference compare to hell.

I mean seriously, WTF

I should work for some Ceo or shit for 30years and still cant my own my single house and just die miserably??

“The differnce between ancient slave and modern tumes slave is that modern times slave dont know they are slave.”

Capitalism is such a Bullshit.

This is just hell.
If you dont own a single captial,then your life will be no difference compare to hell.

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