
Am I whining or is this actually unfair?

Sorry! Couldn’t figure out how to edit. I wanted to post on here because I wanted opinions on whether I am being whiny or if other people think this is ridiculous too. So I work as a follow up insurance rep for a couple of providers here in indiana, basically orthopedics. For follow up, we basically try to be a liasion between our providers and the insurance companies to get claims paid. Usually involves filing appeals being familiar with claims languages and so on…so interesting i know! Anyways, we have a dedicated call center to take calls from patients and when they are short staffed management CONSTANTLY asks us to be on the phones. It makes me super anxious to take calls, some of these people get VERY upset (understandable but some are downright jerks) and I never have a good day. Between multiple medical leaves and a maternity leave…

Sorry! Couldn’t figure out how to edit.

I wanted to post on here because I wanted opinions on whether I am being whiny or if other people think this is ridiculous too.

So I work as a follow up insurance rep for a couple of providers here in indiana, basically orthopedics. For follow up, we basically try to be a liasion between our providers and the insurance companies to get claims paid. Usually involves filing appeals being familiar with claims languages and so on…so interesting i know!

Anyways, we have a dedicated call center to take calls from patients and when they are short staffed management CONSTANTLY asks us to be on the phones. It makes me super anxious to take calls, some of these people get VERY upset (understandable but some are downright jerks) and I never have a good day.

Between multiple medical leaves and a maternity leave we are now being forced on the phones with a schedule. I can’t get out of it and I dont think it is fair that the follow up team is basically always back up for the call center. No one else is, just us. So now I am looking at doing two jobs with a ton of anxiety and possibly a mental breakdown. It sucks because i dont mind calling insurance companies but taking calls is terrifying to me.

Any advice or direction? Even if it’s to tell me I’m being a brat. Thank you!

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