
Am I wrong?

So I have 2 jobs? One is essentially fast food…the other is a liquor store. I love the liquor store solely because of the atmosphere. We have one employee who will sit in the back on his phone watching videos. I’m not going to lie I’m on my phone…when there’s no customers. I also do my job. Yet I’ve endured myself to the other employees…the owner’s daughter usually asks me if I want to cover a shift of someone who called in. Tonight was supposed to be off at 7. Someone called in so I picked the closing shift. The video guy came in round 8:30 saying he wanted more hours. I’ve been nice in the past & I’ve given a couple shifts away. But why is he saying it now? He has a car. That’s why I have 2 jobs. If he really needs hours get a 2nd job.…

So I have 2 jobs? One is essentially fast food…the other is a liquor store. I love the liquor store solely because of the atmosphere. We have one employee who will sit in the back on his phone watching videos. I’m not going to lie I’m on my phone…when there’s no customers. I also do my job. Yet I’ve endured myself to the other employees…the owner’s daughter usually asks me if I want to cover a shift of someone who called in. Tonight was supposed to be off at 7. Someone called in so I picked the closing shift. The video guy came in round 8:30 saying he wanted more hours. I’ve been nice in the past & I’ve given a couple shifts away. But why is he saying it now? He has a car. That’s why I have 2 jobs. If he really needs hours get a 2nd job. I believe life isn’t fair. Oh well. So am I wrong for thinking this way?

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