
Am I wrong for not “being motivated” at my job given my circumstances?

Throwaway account due to one of my bosses using Reddit and don't want my main account associated with this if he's ever on this subreddit (never know.) I started this job via a hiring agency. Before I got hired, I was told I was going to do a different person's job for 3 months while the person was out for surgery before starting my own. If all went well, I would be out of the hiring agency after 4 months and be put on their payroll. “Cool,” I thought. They liked my job, or so I thought, they liked me, or so I thought, that they wanted to move forward with putting me on the company's payroll (spoiler: that never happened.) Person came back from surgery. One of the bosses decided I was going to be a “floater” on top of doing my own job. Don't know why I agreed…

Throwaway account due to one of my bosses using Reddit and don't want my main account associated with this if he's ever on this subreddit (never know.)

I started this job via a hiring agency. Before I got hired, I was told I was going to do a different person's job for 3 months while the person was out for surgery before starting my own. If all went well, I would be out of the hiring agency after 4 months and be put on their payroll. “Cool,” I thought.

They liked my job, or so I thought, they liked me, or so I thought, that they wanted to move forward with putting me on the company's payroll (spoiler: that never happened.)

Person came back from surgery. One of the bosses decided I was going to be a “floater” on top of doing my own job. Don't know why I agreed to this, but I did. Kind of glad I did, because I found out in one of the tasks I was supposed to do that the hiring agency was taking $10 an hour from me! So at the moment, I have no vacation, no sick days, no health insurance, my pay is being docked by $10 an hour, and they still expect me to be as productive as the rest of the employees who are on the company's payroll.

I've brought up about becoming an employee for the company so many times, I lost count. It's always an excuse every time I bring it up. I was told I was going to be on the company's payroll by 4 months. I've been with this company for 8 months. The only reason why I tolerated this job for so long is because I'm learning new skills, and the job is only a few blocks away from home (gas is $6.50 where I live.)

A few days ago, I was put in a meeting with all the bosses that I wasn't learning my job fast enough and was going to be put in a different role as a last resort. They were disappointed that I wasn't “being motivated” enough. First off, nobody told me in that time what can they do to help me learn it fast enough. Second, no kidding! They had me doing other people's jobs that I didn't have time to learn my job properly. Third, with no PTO, no insurance, and my pay being docked by $10 an hour by the staffing agency, and with a boss playing dumb regarding my future with the company, what other motivation do I have?

Maybe I am wrong for sticking around for as long as I have. Maybe I am wrong for slacking off because that's why they don't want to put me on their payroll. I don't know anymore. I'm just really frustrated with what's going on with this job.

Any thoughts on this would be extremely helpful. Thank you!

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