
Am I wrong for walking out?

I’m a valet. Today i went into work with the same black hat I’ve been wearing for 2 weeks. Every shift. Apparently the general manager drove by and saw me working. My supervisor came up and told me the GM called and said I can’t wear that type of hat (he called it a snap hat.) So he says I have to take it off. Supervisor asks “what are my thoughts?” I said, well I’m not working like this as I take off my hat. I’m in the process of growing my hair out and it’s in the awkward stage. I told her I can go home and get another. But I’m not working without a hat. She called him back and he told her it looked unprofessional. Side note: Ive been asking for a company hat for 2 months. The hat I had on is all black to match…

I’m a valet. Today i went into work with the same black hat I’ve been wearing for 2 weeks. Every shift. Apparently the general manager drove by and saw me working. My supervisor came up and told me the GM called and said I can’t wear that type of hat (he called it a snap hat.) So he says I have to take it off. Supervisor asks “what are my thoughts?” I said, well I’m not working like this as I take off my hat.

I’m in the process of growing my hair out and it’s in the awkward stage.

I told her I can go home and get another. But I’m not working without a hat. She called him back and he told her it looked unprofessional. Side note: Ive been asking for a company hat for 2 months. The hat I had on is all black to match the uniform. No logos.

So in addition to saying the hat was unprofessional he said “if he clocks out, tell him don’t come back.” So I clocked out.

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