
Am I wrong here?

Sorry this is so long and I appreciate anyone who happens to read it and has any advice. My bf and I both worked as hourly employees at the same restaurant. I’m coming up on 4 years, he’s close to 10. He was promoted to manager and was told he’d be placed at a different store 45 min away, due to our relationship. After he left for training, they sent someone else to the other store in his spot and said he may return to our home store in which case, I’d have to leave. The training is 8 weeks total so I figured I’d be set at a new job by then. Due to my tenure and the fact I actually enjoyed my job here, I put time and effort into moving up and I never wanted to leave but I was willing to. Anyway, we just kept being…

Sorry this is so long and I appreciate anyone who happens to read it and has any advice.

My bf and I both worked as hourly employees at the same restaurant. I’m coming up on 4 years, he’s close to 10. He was promoted to manager and was told he’d be placed at a different store 45 min away, due to our relationship. After he left for training, they sent someone else to the other store in his spot and said he may return to our home store in which case, I’d have to leave. The training is 8 weeks total so I figured I’d be set at a new job by then. Due to my tenure and the fact I actually enjoyed my job here, I put time and effort into moving up and I never wanted to leave but I was willing to. Anyway, we just kept being told they didn’t know which store he’d be placed at, which means I didn’t know if I had to leave.
Today, I go in to work, and am told they decided he’d stay at our home store and I won’t be put on the schedule after the 13th. I just say “what?? I was told I’d have adequate timing to find another job” to which my GM just replied “that’s two weeks away and you can file for unemployment, we won’t fight it”
I spent the last month asking every single day if we knew what was happening. I had a conversation last week with her, and previously with the other manager, that I planned on leaving by June 1st anyway since I had secured another full time position. My new position requires a year commitment so I was putting off signing until I knew for sure I had to change jobs. Our employee handbook specifically states “no fraternization and if there’s an inappropriate relationship the parties will be asked to transfer stores or end the relationship”. I brought up ending the relationship and am told “we won’t believe it anyway”. I’m tempted to call HR just to make sure policies are being followed correctly. My main issue is that I’ve worked this whole year(overtime whenever possible) to receive my vacation pay, around $1000, and they’re making me leave 7 weeks before my year mark. I’d be content working one day a month for the next two months but I’m just being told basically
“You’ve got two weeks left here and even if you end the relationship we won’t believe it so it’s not gonna do any good”

I’m not even sure what I’m looking for here other than maybe just advice and/or support 🤷‍️

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