
AMAZED, but also not really ahha (3 yrs) trying for a raise (have never had a raise)

I feel like today I truly felt the antiwork force in me. LOL first time posting long time lurker so anyway. throw away (obviously) so basically my supervisor who is in charge of half east of the U.S. told me something without even double-checking their information with their higher-ups. they are blowing air up my ass and I cannot stand it. The only reason why I know this is because I have insider knowledge it is possible for (DRUMROLL) FOR ME TO GET A RAISE. ā€‹ AS a revisit I work in a position where someHOW without verbally or written saying, my JOB is allowed to not give me a review YEARLY raises unless UPON request. WHICH AGAIN is not stated ANYWHERE in the handbook and was also not mentioned verbally. (I have only been working in life for like 6-years lmao)) My (new) boss who was promoted within does…

I feel like today I truly felt the antiwork force in me. LOL first time posting long time lurker so anyway. throw away (obviously)

so basically my supervisor who is in charge of half east of the U.S. told me something without even double-checking their information with their higher-ups. they are blowing air up my ass and I cannot stand it. The only reason why I know this is because I have insider knowledge it is possible for (DRUMROLL) FOR ME TO GET A RAISE.


AS a revisit I work in a position where someHOW without verbally or written saying, my JOB is allowed to not give me a review YEARLY raises unless UPON request. WHICH AGAIN is not stated ANYWHERE in the handbook and was also not mentioned verbally. (I have only been working in life for like 6-years lmao))

My (new) boss who was promoted within does not, DOES NOT. know what they talking about. but let's put this aside. I deserved a raise, not just because of the merit of working there over the years but because MY numbers are good (I am a sales rep.) My number has a STEADY increase over the years I have been established in my position.. AND I can easily prove that as well. I have the data.

my boss flat out said in an email šŸ™‚ along the lines of “raises… those are coming. but its ONLY happening to a few sale reps.” LMAO MY ASS WAS FLOORED. I have not replied yet. Why should I have, I was off.. XD I will email you on company time.


okay, lastly I won't stop fighting. they can eat their words or FIRE me. I have the council of a few great people on my team, I have guidance but would like more. THOUGHTS???

ALSO, I don't think i will be fired. I'm about to CC the big boy manager in and they are the best and have us reg reps in their mind. but this SUP… no lmao she thinks she can just give a direct statement rather than just communicating with her bosses for a proper answer instead of guessing. I say this because they have on multi. occasions said something and what they said actually be WRONG and the big boss corrects THEM.


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