
Amazing advice a senior coworker shared with me.

“People die. Work doesn’t.” Everyone is going to die one day. Your time in this world is limited. Your job and the work that you do will go on without you, and other people will do the job when you can’t anymore. I have a coworker who has been with the company for over 10 years and willingly works herself to the fucking bone, even when she’s on PTO. She’s an outstanding employee and one of the most wonderful, down to earth people you will ever meet. That said, I’m not sure why anyone would sacrifice their time and energy to that caliber, especially when they’re as replaceable as anyone else on her level. Don’t expect me to have the same work ethic as her. I will absolutely work hard and be good at my job, but I understand the value of my time, and also how replaceable I am.…

“People die. Work doesn’t.”

Everyone is going to die one day. Your time in this world is limited. Your job and the work that you do will go on without you, and other people will do the job when you can’t anymore.

I have a coworker who has been with the company for over 10 years and willingly works herself to the fucking bone, even when she’s on PTO. She’s an outstanding employee and one of the most wonderful, down to earth people you will ever meet. That said, I’m not sure why anyone would sacrifice their time and energy to that caliber, especially when they’re as replaceable as anyone else on her level.

Don’t expect me to have the same work ethic as her. I will absolutely work hard and be good at my job, but I understand the value of my time, and also how replaceable I am. Jobs are a dime a dozen, but there is only ever one you.

No matter how much time, effort, blood, sweat and tears you put into your work, it will never truly be finished. It’ll always be there whether you go back to it or not. But one day, you will die.

So go do that thing you want to do.

Use your PTO, go get a massage, take that vacation you’ve been thinking about, go to the spa, or go fucking skydiving. Never feel guilty for doing what’s best for you.

Value your time. Put yourself first.

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