
Amazon Piss Bottles Still

Remember how Amazon claims the piss bottles were a myth, yet also gave instructions to make sure vehicles were emptied of certain containers? Well I hadn’t seen anything about it in the news lately and it had kind of slipped my mind, until I saw someone dumping their piss bottle today. The amazon van was stopped in the middle of the road in front of my complex, which is annoying considering there was plenty of parallel parking space and they were blocking traffic, but whatever it happens all the time. So I park and am walking on my merry way toward my apartment when I see someone pour yellow liquid out of a water bottle onto the road. They probably thought the car they were stopped next to blocked the view but I’m tall enough to see over cars and I saw everything. Fuck was it gross and I feel…

Remember how Amazon claims the piss bottles were a myth, yet also gave instructions to make sure vehicles were emptied of certain containers? Well I hadn’t seen anything about it in the news lately and it had kind of slipped my mind, until I saw someone dumping their piss bottle today. The amazon van was stopped in the middle of the road in front of my complex, which is annoying considering there was plenty of parallel parking space and they were blocking traffic, but whatever it happens all the time. So I park and am walking on my merry way toward my apartment when I see someone pour yellow liquid out of a water bottle onto the road. They probably thought the car they were stopped next to blocked the view but I’m tall enough to see over cars and I saw everything. Fuck was it gross and I feel bad for the person who’s car it was poured out next to and probably splashed on. Still fuck amazon for setting impossible to meet standards. this is more on them than that worker.

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