
American, British, French, Dutch, etc. workers who have no compassion for Russian workers are…

We'd need a word stronger than hypocrite. As U.S. made bombs are dropping in Somalia and Yemen? As French bombs are dropping in Burkina Faso? As British companies are running rough shod over third world people and environments? Americans have a more democratic fascistic country than Russia Does. The Russian Federation is imperial and very top down yet the U.S., the U.K., France, etc. are imperial and with functional representative democracies compared to Russia. If people from places which STILL have imperial holdings, STILL support and wage war on sovereign nations, can support sanctions on the masses of Russia? Yeah…we need a word stronger than hypocrisy. Working class people should be antiwar because war is hell and imperialism is wrong. If you're only antiwar when your government tells you “this time it's the bad guys” please hang it up, get off of antiwork, because you really don't walk the talk…

We'd need a word stronger than hypocrite. As U.S. made bombs are dropping in Somalia and Yemen? As French bombs are dropping in Burkina Faso? As British companies are running rough shod over third world people and environments?
Americans have a more democratic fascistic country than Russia Does. The Russian Federation is imperial and very top down yet the U.S., the U.K., France, etc. are imperial and with functional representative democracies compared to Russia. If people from places which STILL have imperial holdings, STILL support and wage war on sovereign nations, can support sanctions on the masses of Russia? Yeah…we need a word stronger than hypocrisy.

Working class people should be antiwar because war is hell and imperialism is wrong. If you're only antiwar when your government tells you “this time it's the bad guys” please hang it up, get off of antiwork, because you really don't walk the talk and I couldn't even say you're interested in learning. You actually support the ruling class, the bosses, the corporations over workers and you are no better than a Russian worker who supports the war on Ukraine.

Eventually Russia's immoral war on Ukraine could stop and Russias ruling class could decide to work with the West's ruling class. Ruling classes the world over even when they beef have class solidarity because they understand that workers who won't accept landlords and stolen wages are a liability to the whole scam. Even the ruling class in China went lax on workers rights because at the end of the day if we who produces things control what we produce they'd have to pick up a hammer, or teach in a classroom, or work in a field just like everyone else.

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