
An anti work success story

My husband and I have been subscribing to the anti work mentality for 5 years. It inspired us so much that we have found ourselves officially, FINALLY, living the anti work dream that we had when we first started. I thought that maybe some people that are stuck in a bad work environment right now, or feel trapped in their day to day, might want to hear the steps we took to live the “lots of life, little work” experience that we live now, maybe it’ll give you some hope for the future! We went from hanging out in jobs that we absolutely hated for years to finally making daily effort to live our lives doing work that doesn’t actually feel like work. The first and most important step that my husband and I took was to STOP SAVING OUR MONEY. We live in a world where our money loses…

My husband and I have been subscribing to the anti work mentality for 5 years. It inspired us so much that we have found ourselves officially, FINALLY, living the anti work dream that we had when we first started. I thought that maybe some people that are stuck in a bad work environment right now, or feel trapped in their day to day, might want to hear the steps we took to live the “lots of life, little work” experience that we live now, maybe it’ll give you some hope for the future!

We went from hanging out in jobs that we absolutely hated for years to finally making daily effort to live our lives doing work that doesn’t actually feel like work.

The first and most important step that my husband and I took was to STOP SAVING OUR MONEY. We live in a world where our money loses value every day sitting in a bank. We started investing every left over cent we had, and my husband spent a great majority of his free time (and work time) researching markets and technology. We spent years doing this, and sometimes it was difficult. We had to make a lot of sacrifices, no spending huge amounts of money on travel and events, no splurging on worldly items, etc. we lost time with friends and family, but it was worth it because now we are completely free.

The next step we took was to stop wasting time in jobs that we hated. I took it upon myself to leave the job I was in for 2 years that I absolutely could not stand. I was treated like an idiot even though I was a full time student getting a masters in engineering on the side. I job hopped multiple times, each time making more money and enjoying the work more. You should never stop job hopping. Even if you are securely in a job and you are making enough money and are happy, you should continue to look daily. Remember, you don’t live to work, you work to live. You deserve to have options and there is ALWAYS something better out there. Now this isn’t to say that you don’t have to work hard during this time. You must work hard in each position so that you make good impressions and can use past managers as references. You just keep working towards finding a job that feels fun to you as long as you are still having to make active money. If you lose inspiration, if you see other opportunities to make more money, if you’re not having fun, FIND ANOTHER JOB.

The last step we took is constant communication about our goals. We were always thinking and talking about what we wanted to do, where we wanted to be, how much money was enough money to quit our day jobs and start working on passive income. What is our passive income journey going to look like? What direction will we go in?

If you follow these steps, 5 years from now (or less) you could find yourself where we have found ourselves today. Leaving our high paying jobs with plenty invested, enough to invest in real estate or whatever passive income we want to pursue, traveling the world while we do so. The anti work mindset is the best thing we have ever subscribed to for our wealth, our time management, and most importantly our physical and mental health. I hope every single person here finds themselves in our place one day. We’re so deliriously happy compared to the people we were 4 years ago, hunched over desks at our low paying day jobs, being treated like mindless drones that have no worth past computer experience.

Fuck corporate life. Fuck desk jobs. Fuck the new American work environment.

Good luck out there.

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