

Last week, there was a medical crisis in my family so I left work early on Friday. I knew it was going to be unpaid, didn’t care. Fast forward to today (and I knew it was coming), my boss asked how I was doing/how the sick member of my family was. I explained we’re both not doing well. He said he was sorry. And I think what I’m just so annoyed about is that…If there’s nothing you can do tangibly don’t ask. For a boss that looks like saying gee you don’t look well or sound good, how about you just take the day PAID. I have about 3 minutes of actual work to do today and an 8 hour shift. We only get 4 days of sick pay at this job so obviously despite being an emotional wreck, I couldn’t take the day off and run the risk of…

Last week, there was a medical crisis in my family so I left work early on Friday. I knew it was going to be unpaid, didn’t care.

Fast forward to today (and I knew it was coming), my boss asked how I was doing/how the sick member of my family was. I explained we’re both not doing well. He said he was sorry. And I think what I’m just so annoyed about is that…If there’s nothing you can do tangibly don’t ask.

For a boss that looks like saying gee you don’t look well or sound good, how about you just take the day PAID. I have about 3 minutes of actual work to do today and an 8 hour shift. We only get 4 days of sick pay at this job so obviously despite being an emotional wreck, I couldn’t take the day off and run the risk of getting Covid or some other physical illness when I’ll really NEED those days and only having 3 left.

This is the same boss that asked my coworker and I to wear a mask while we’re out and about in our regular lives because he’s going on vacation at the end of this week, so he can’t get sick. The same one who forces both my coworker and I to drive an hour into work…which is an unfortunate part of city living until you realize you’re driving to the office which is in this guys GUEST HOUSE. His commute is just across the backyard and yours is through bumper to bumper soul sucking traffic.

I’m over it.

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