
Annual review day/Job Offer/Fate?

Our annual reviews got pushed back about 2 months later than usual but they are insisting that everyone is getting a “good raise this year.” About a month ago, they cut my overtime hours without explanation. Myself and one or two other employees pushed back and we found middle ground we could semi-agree on. Today, my boss did my annual review with me. As I was looking it over, I could fairly agree with most of the stuff on it. I get to the bottom where it has a box for suggest raise $/%… The box is blank. The new pay rate box next to it is also blank. I ask him what the deal is, they are not telling us our raises this year? He says the company has some new review committee that will decide on raises… Basically someone I have never met or heard of, who has…

Our annual reviews got pushed back about 2 months later than usual but they are insisting that everyone is getting a “good raise this year.”

About a month ago, they cut my overtime hours without explanation. Myself and one or two other employees pushed back and we found middle ground we could semi-agree on.

Today, my boss did my annual review with me. As I was looking it over, I could fairly agree with most of the stuff on it. I get to the bottom where it has a box for suggest raise $/%… The box is blank. The new pay rate box next to it is also blank.

I ask him what the deal is, they are not telling us our raises this year? He says the company has some new review committee that will decide on raises… Basically someone I have never met or heard of, who has never seen me work or even knows exactly what I do, will be deciding how big my raise should be.

As I signed my review begrudgingly, literally as soon as I lifted my pen from signing, my cell phone rang. A job I had applied for was calling, and they told me I was the candidate they decided to go forward with and simply needed me to fill out an online app so they could have my info in their system to begin paperwork and drug test, etc.

I don't believe in fate or anything, but what are the chances?

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