
Anonymous Resume

I was wondering if there were any hiring sites that somewhat allow you to post your resume anonymously… Basically it’s been rumored throughout my work that the corporate office monitors hiring sites and will fire anyone who they see posting on them looking for a job. Obviously that above statement should make it pretty clear the type of hostile work environment I’m dealing with. But I am somewhat higher up within the management chain and make fairly good money, and can’t really afford to lose my job while looking for another one. So like stated at the beginning, does anyone have any ideas on ways to look for a new career path while preserving my current revenue streams?

I was wondering if there were any hiring sites that somewhat allow you to post your resume anonymously…

Basically it’s been rumored throughout my work that the corporate office monitors hiring sites and will fire anyone who they see posting on them looking for a job.

Obviously that above statement should make it pretty clear the type of hostile work environment I’m dealing with. But I am somewhat higher up within the management chain and make fairly good money, and can’t really afford to lose my job while looking for another one.

So like stated at the beginning, does anyone have any ideas on ways to look for a new career path while preserving my current revenue streams?

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